Optical encoder of Shanghai Hengxiang Optical Electronics Co,ltd. has relatively long service life than that of other brands. Because the productivity and profitability of our business depend on the performance of our products, we value their reliability and longevity. With our technical capabilities, we are constantly looking to improve product reliability and reduce the risk of costly failures.
Hengxiang is the leader in science and technology innovation in China's cnc encoder industry. Hengxiang provides a wide range of robot encoder for customers. HENGXIANG germanium bar is manufactured using premium quality material as per the requisite norms of the industry. The product is excellent in capturing users' thoughts and ideas. Users can write down their ideas immediately without searching for papers and pens everywhere.
With intense sense of responsibility, HENGXIANG strives every effort to provide the best for customers. Ask online!
Professional Customized Service Process
We have the experience, capability and R&D resources to make any OEM/OEM encoder product! Ourfactory is an extremely versatile encoder manufacturer with the ability to bring your concepts and ideas intoviable computing solutions.