Based on the enlarging customer base, we can know that we have gained a rapidly increasing sales volume of absolute encoder per year. This largely attributes to the word-of-mouth referrals of our existing customers. Our products, coming from hard work and intelligent labor, are the crystallization of our wisdom. They combine all the superior characteristics of the adopted raw materials and are endowed with stable chemical and physical performance, which give them increased popularity among customers. Their long service life makes them more value-added. All these attributes have retained our customers and ensure high sales of our company.
Shanghai Hengxiang Optical Electronics Co,ltd. is a notable cylindrical lens exporter. Hengxiang focuses on providing a variety of silicon substrate for customers. The product is durable in terms of waterproofing. The water repellent coating is not prone to break down over time and with use. Safety of the product shall not be the concern. People are not subjected to electric dangers such as leakage, overcurrent, or electromagnetic radiation.
We share a common passion to innovate for growth, for the success of our brand and to nurture our relationships with customers.
Professional Customized Service Process
We have the experience, capability and R&D resources to make any OEM/OEM encoder product! Ourfactory is an extremely versatile encoder manufacturer with the ability to bring your concepts and ideas intoviable computing solutions.