At Shanghai Hengxiang Optical Electronics Co,ltd., our engineering team can help you install the products through multiple online channels and provide effective solutions for the follow-on use of optical encoder, thereby supporting your needs. The team, consisting of several senior engineers and highly-educated professionals in the industry, is very familiar with the design, structure, and specifications, which help provide online installation guidance service more efficiently, therefore saving a lot of precious time for both parties. Their rich knowledge is a guarantee for customers to get the most secured installation guidance.
Equipped with complete facilities, Hengxiang has grown to be a leading company in Hengxiang industry. Hengxiang provides a wide range of encoder disk for customers. HENGXIANG germanium bar is made as per international industry standards. The recognition accuracy of this product is up to at least 95%, which helps achieve better writing or drawing effect.
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Professional Customized Service Process
We have the experience, capability and R&D resources to make any OEM/OEM encoder product! Ourfactory is an extremely versatile encoder manufacturer with the ability to bring your concepts and ideas intoviable computing solutions.